Dear Murray, My woman wants to name our baby boy Draco. Well, I think that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard. There are plenty of kids out there named Moon or Rock or Earthfart, and they desperately need someone else’s ass to kick. You’ll be doing the world a great […]
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
What are your thought on illegal immigration? I say fuck ’em! If their forefathers were too lazy and stupid to hang on to their real estate that’s not our problem. Plus, look what squalid garbage heap countries most of these people come from. What makes us think our country won’t […]
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Good job, America. You’ve just proven that it’s never too soon for a little opportunism! Saw this shit going around on the Facepage yesterday. “Like this page for 9/11! Woo!” You motherfuckers would sell your own grannie into slavery for a share. I’m sure that seemed like a brilliant marketing […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
So, being stuck behind millions of you fuckers on the 405, I’ve learned a thing or twenty about your asses. I don’t even have to see your stupid faces anymore. All I’ve gotta do is take a glance at your car, and I’ll know ALL I NEED TO KNOW about […]
Estimated reading time: 39 seconds
Dear Murray: Why the fuck does everyone hate Wal-Mart so much? All it does is employ all the immigrants and hold them down and away from the good jobs? It is puzzling. Oh, I loves me some Wal Marts. That’s what the folks in Indiana call them, ’cause they add […]
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes