Dear Murray: This girl moved away and won’t write or call my roomate, and he keeps talking about her and how he has forgotten her, but he keeps talking about her and he won’t take her off his “my space” account. Should I tell him that the healthy thing to […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Dear Murray so if a guy says he’ll call you back and doesn’t, but sends you an email apologizing for not callin you back and sayin he’ll call you that night and doesn’t.. What is up w/ that? Not interested, playin games, or just fuckin busy? -Karen I’ll bet his […]
Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Dear Murray: I met this girl in a bar, and we really hit it off. I asked her for her number, and she gave it to me. I’ve called her twice, and she hasn’t returned my call. What’s up with that? Thanks, Jeff I have a feeling that she hasn’t […]
Estimated reading time: 49 seconds
Dear Murray: My boyfriend of six years and I have been thinking about getting back together. Should we? -Kelly Six years? Are you fucking serious? Haven’t you had enough? In six years, my ex wife got fat, lost 100 lbs, got fat again, lost 75 lbs., got fat again, lost […]
Estimated reading time: 52 seconds